Positive Intelligence (PQ)
Mental Fitness

"Effectively leading others begins with mindfully leading oneself."
We are all multi-dimensional, multi-talented, and fully capable of reaching our highest potential… IF ... we listen to our inner wisdom and dare to challenge what no longer serves us.
You have been successful! Congratulations! But at what cost to your physical and mental health? Is it reduced work/life balance? Stress and overwhelm? Burnout? Poor sleep? Always looking to the next achievement and recognition
to finally be truly happy? How sustainable is this journey, and how does it
affect others?
Our mind can serve as a friend or a foe – depending on the driver - our “Saboteurs” or our “Sage.” When our mind tells us to do our best to prepare for an important meeting the next day and provides us with the energy and motivation to do so, it serves as a friend. But when it wakes us up at 3:00am, anxious about the many ways we can fail, it acts as a foe.
“Saboteurs” are visceral, automated brain responses to triggers that stem from old beliefs and behavior patterns. They live in the survival region of the brain and once were useful. Now, however, they are pesky inner dialogues manifesting as guilt, blame, judgment of self and others, anxiety, analysis paralysis, feeling of inadequacy, or avoidance, further cascading into sleeplessness, lack of confidence, and overwhelm – basically sabotaging growth, productivity, and happiness.
Alternatively, the "Sage” region of the brain activates a positive mindset, discernment, curiosity, and calm control over reactions. Learning to tap into that region by strengthening mental muscles and forging new behavioral neural pathways leads to higher focus, creativity, ability to calmly deal with challenging situations, and overall happiness.
To shift from saboteur to sage takes mental muscle, which could be developed through increased self-awareness and consistent practice.
Our 8-week Positive Intelligence (PQ)/Mental Fitness Program empowers participants to choose “sage” responses to negative triggers through increased self-awareness and practice.

What is PQ?
Whereas IQ and EQ are our “givens,” how we utilize them to reach optimal potential depends on our PQ – Positive Intelligence Quotient.
Consider physical fitness - If we want to climb a mountain, we will need to be in better physical shape than to walk up to a 4th floor apartment. If we need to lift 25 kilos, we need stronger muscles than to lift a glass of water. Those muscles don’t just appear - they need to be trained and sustained! The 8-week Positive Intelligence program helps participants gain mental muscle needed to climb mental mountains and lift heavy challenges.
Coaching Outcomes
Learn strategies to intercept survival reactions and consciously choose a sage response to triggers and adversities
Calmly handle challenges and conduct high-stakes conversations
Increase productivity, job satisfaction, engagement, and retention
Boost confidence and focus
Attain sustained happiness
Motivate, influence, build, and inspire others
The Coaching Process
Saboteur Assessment
PQ Assessment
Collect data: top saboteurs, PQ score, intentions vs. results, self-assessment, feedback, triggers and responses, effect of self and others
Articulate challenges
Put limiting beliefs and perceptions to the test
Explore new beliefs, narratives, skills, and actionable behaviors
Develop strategies for accountability and sustainable change
Implement the new mindset and competencies
Create a support and accountability network
Enjoy the benefits