Speak to Impact

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
- Maya Angelou
Anxious? Self-conscious? Believe you can’t express your message with impact?
Research shows that about 75% of the population experience various degrees of fear of public speaking. The reasons may include lack of experience, context, perceived or real status differentiation, unfamiliar audience, or limiting beliefs. Whatever the reason, the result is a real physiological response to threat – fight, flight, freeze, leading to inability to effortlessly produce language, retrieve words, make logical decisions, control emotions, and connect with people on a deep level. Yet, presenting ideas clearly and authentically in a public forum is essential for success in business; it helps build trust, promote ideas, advance careers, form strong collaborations, and move people to action.
What is Speak to Impact Coaching?
Our Speak to Impact coaching is designed for international professionals. The skills gained, however, are relevant not only for formal presentations, but also for meeting facilitation and participation, communicating with clients, engaging in discussions, and for building relationships. It has been noted by organizations that non-native English speakers tend to keep their voices unheard and ideas unexplored in meetings. Reasons may include lack of confidence in language ability - perceived or real - different cultural norms of behavior in group meetings, or a need to boost presentation skills.
Coaching Outcomes
Boost confidence and impact
Establish credibility, relevance, and trust
Meet audience’s needs and expectations – content, delivery, culture
Gain and maintain audience’s attention and engagement through pertinent questions, vocal variety, and body language
Deliver organized and compelling narrative
Handle challenging situations and participants
Move the audience to action
The Coaching Process
Skills Assessment/
What's My Communication Style?
Saboteur Assessment
360 Assessment
Collect data: intentions vs. results; self-assessment; audience’s comments; emotional triggers and responses
Identify language strengths and challenges
Put limiting beliefs and perceptions to the test
Explore new beliefs, skills, and actionable behaviors
Develop strategies for accountability and sustainable change
Implement the new competencies and mindset
Create a support and accountability network - ask for feedback
Seek additional speaking
opportunities to increase visibility